
Recommended reading:

  • Facing Love Addiction, Facing Codependence, and The Intimacy Factor, all by Pia Mellody

  • Mother Hunger: How adult daughters can understand and heal from lost nurturance, protection, and guidance and Ready to Heal: Breaking free of addictive relationships, both by Kelly McDaniel

  • Self-Compassion: The power of being kind to yourself by Dr. Kristin Neff

  • In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Maté

Additional mental health resources:

Psychology Today

Search for therapists by zip code, speciality, cost, and accepted insurance.

Healing Trauma Network

Directory of therapists trained in Pia Mellody’s modality.


12-step support for love addiction

Love Addicts Anonymous

Online love addiction support created by Susan Peabody

Center for Healthy Sex

Located in Los Angeles, CA, and offers online sex and love addiction programs for women and men. Clinical Director, Dr. Alex Katehakis (author of “Erotic Intelligence”) also offers a free monthly webinar you can join through their website.

The Bridge to Recovery

Trauma-focused recovery center located outside of Nashville, TN; offers two-week residential programs.

The Meadows

Inpatient trauma and addiction treatment based upon Pia Mellody’s model. Located in Wickenberg, AZ (as well as a location near Dallas, TX). The Meadows intake department can also provide you with a list of Meadows-trained therapists in your state.